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Attesting Netherlands Documents for the UAE

To use a document that was issued within the Netherlands in the UAE, it will first need to be attested. Whether it is a birth, marriage or death certificate, an educational qualification or in fact any other personal or company document that originates from the Netherlands, let us take the hassle away for you and save your precious time.

How does it work?

Attesting Dutch documents to be used in the UAE can be a highly complex matter. Depending upon the type of document, which language it has been written in, as well as which authority it needs to be presented to, there are multiple requirements that are needed which change from document to document. The following sections lay out a typical set of processes that may be needed. However, you are advised to contact us to confirm the specific requirements needed for your own situation.

Obtaining a Certified Copy

Most Dutch documents will need to go through an initial stage of certification. This is the process to make a certified and notarised copy of the original documents, the certified copy being the document that the attestation is processed on This step in the process is not however needed in the case of government-issued documents such as birth, marriage or death certificates.
Initial Certification

Ministry Certification

For some documents, prior to translation and legalisation, they will need to be certified by the relevant government ministry. In the case of an educational qualification, this is the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap). During this stage, the Ministry will confirm that the document is valid.

Translation into English & Certification

As the UAE Embassy only accepts documents written in either English or Arabic, any documents, and their supporting ministerial certifications, that are not already in English will need to be translated. The original documents are translated from Dutch to English, then the translator will make an affidavit to swear that the translation is accurate. The original document and its translation are then bound together to then be certified by the Ministry of Justice and Security (Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid). It is this certified bundle that is attested.

Check out our translations page to learn more about the different types of translations, and what they're used for.
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Certified Translation
netherlands foreign office attestation stamp

Dutch Legalisation

Once a document has been certified by the relevant parties, and translated where required, it can then be presented to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken) for legalisation. During this process, the officials will add a legalisation stamp to the document which is their validation that the necessary certification has been completed correctly.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands
Netherlands UAE Consular stamp

UAE Embassy Attestation

The final step in the Netherlands is to have the document stamped, known as attested, by the UAE Embassy in The Hague (Den Haag). During this stage an official UAE-government sticker and seal is applied to the document. This confirms to the authorities in the UAE that the document has completed all the required steps in the Netherlands.
UAE Embassy in the Netherlands
mofa stamp uae

MoFA Attestation (UAE)

Once the document has reached the UAE, it requires a further attestation stamp by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE which validates that your document has been processed correctly in the Netherlands. Some employers make arrangements to handle this for you, so you should check whether this needs completing by you or not.
Learn More About MoFA Attestation Here  ????
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UAE)

Translation from English into Arabic

In certain circumstances, your document may also require translation into Arabic. Again, your employer may handle this for you so best to check. If required, the whole document and its relevant stamps are translated from English into Arabic by a recognised certified translator. Once the translation has been done, then everything has been completed to make it fully useable within the UAE.
Learn More

Attestation Notes

  • Arabic translation is usually required for use in all emirates other than Dubai, and also if the document is to be used within one of the Dubai Free Zone authorities including (but not limited to) the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC).
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Why choose Vital Certificates?

Acceptance Guarantee
We guarantee your document will be valid in the country for which it was attested.
Document Checking
Your documents will be checked prior to submission to ensure they are accepted.
Service Updates
Regular service updates mean you always know where your documents are.
Industry Leading Staff
Our advisers undertake regular training so the advice they give is always up-to-date.
Scanning Service
Get a digital copy of your completed documents prior to receiving shipment.
Fully Inclusive Price
Fees always include all charges, shipping and VAT (where applicable).

Docs from any country...

We're able to attest a range of documents for use in the UAE, no matter where you're from. You can rest assured that by using our service, your attested documents will be accepted within the UAE.
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Vital Certificates Ltd
210 Clover Bay Tower 
Marasi Drive
Business Bay
PO Box 114666
+971 (0)4 340 7131
Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 5:30PM
© 2006 – 2025 Vital Certificates Ltd (Dubai Branch). A branch of Vital Certificates Ltd, Registered in England and Wales number 6568017. Dubai Trade Licence number 734816.
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